Since I post personal photographs as well as professional photographs, please be aware of the difference.  

All professional photographs will have a copyright watermark.  

Others are snapshots and just for fun :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

SESSIONS!!! [Monica Brown, Pensacola Photographer]

Oh joy of joys!  I am finally available for sessions!!

How I have missed taking photos and crawling after little ones to get that perfect shot. I have been doing that a little, but just with my kiddos :) 

 BEGINNING JUNE 3RD I will be available Monday through Saturday.  

Mondays and Wednesdays will be best as I will have childcare then, but if you give me enough notice I should be able to work about anything.

I look forward to hearing from you!!

she has her daddy's eyes...

and her mommy's silliness ;)


Friday, May 15, 2009

TODAY I FEEL... [Monica Brown, Pensacola Photographer]

I was actually looking for overwhelmed...but seeing this face instantly changed me to optimistic.

What a week.  And I'm really sick on top of it all, but things are looking up.  I found out from my cousin that she and her husband are having a baby girl!!!!!  I can only hope that our two little girls will have the wonderful relationship that we do.  And her name is divine.  Can't tell you yet!  But she will be here soon....counting the days.

I will hopefully have some time to edit some pictures one of these days so that I can compose a "real" post, but for now the personal yadda yadda will have to do ;)

Have a silly weekend!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

CRAPSHOOT [Monica Brown, Pensacola Photographer]

We are home!!! I have been trying to gather myself after what was a stressful "vacation" to put it nicely. Jake and I have learned our lesson about trying to take such a grand family trip with such small children. We were the ONLY parents I saw that had two SMALL children and NO grandparents. Other families were prepared. We were just exhausted. All of us. It was wonderful family was just 24-7 of us all on top of each other which meant the kids had no space just for them which meant they were pretty cranky. I sorted through the pics to find smiley ones.

I just have to say it was a vacation Jake and I will never forget and hopefully Luke and Reagan will never remember! LOL!

Here we are unedited :) At least the images aren't! I'll post the rest later in an album...

Getting ready for the safety drill.  Isn't he TOO CUTE?

Luke was down for the count early.  This got lots of awwwws.

Like it says above...crap shots :)  Reagan was not into smiling here.

Golly Gee mom, when will all of this nonsense end?
Oh, and Luke thought he could walk at the beginning of the week, so that is carpet burn on his nose.  I got to explain this to complete strangers all week.
He is also literally sick (hence the reflection in the snot - yuck) and tired (purple eyes) in this photo.

Reagan's new way to smile...which worked on Pirate night so I joined her!

Luke LOVED the kiddie fountains.  We were always so busy playing with him that we didn't have much time to take photos.

Reagan was a little hesitant with the Characters.  This is as close to a smile as we got.

On the other hand, Luke LOVED them!


A moment of alone time for me and Jake.  The kids spent the hot part of the day in the nursery onboard.

My two handsome men.  Gush...

And finally, a where's waldo of me and the kids.

On the way home our windshield cracked from the bottom clear to the top right between the driver's eyes and once we returned home, our refrigerator had broken.  A fitting end to the stressful week.

The silver lining is my lovely in laws kept the kids Saturday night for Jake and I to recover and then clean out the fridge.  All is well now.  The kids are each in their rooms and can make as much noise as they want and not wake each other up at all hours.  And I am still trying to get everything in order.  Wait.  I do that every day!!!  

